CECSoft has extensive experience is delivering Healthcare solutions to its clients. Our goal is to deliver the best Healthcare solution possible. Our clients include Clinics, Healthcare Insurance companies and the Managed Healthcare sector in the United States. We understand that any Healthcare solution requires us to be responsive, efficient, accurate and innovative in this constantly evolving industry.
Our Healthcare solutions help our clients in Patient Management, Chronic Disease Management and Claims Management. We have integrated X12 837 and HL7 v2 messaging and conversion in our software solution system.
Our Health Level 7 (HL7) messaging integration is intended to exchange clinical and administrative Healthcare information (e.g. orders and observations, results reporting, patient administration, laboratory, control, etc.). The data in the HL7 message would populate the database and, depending on the logic of the system, initiate action by a local or state public health agency.
CECSoft has integrated its solutions using HL7 2.x series and the team is integrating the application using newer Version 3.0 messaging specification which is based on the HL7 RIM data model.
In our application HL7 v2 is used for:
- Accounting/Billing
- Administration/Management
- Billing (HIPAA)
- Claims/Payment
- Clinical
- Encounters
- Health Informatics
- Health Information
- Insurance
- Patient Record
- Security/Privacy
We have also integrated with X12 as defined by ANSI to develop uniform data standards for cross-industry electronic exchange of business transactions. This integration includes:
- Messaging
- Accounting/Billing
- Administration/Management
- Billing (HIPAA)
- Claims/Payment